by Rachel Carey-Harper | Jan 16, 2025 | Eagles nest #2
A Thank-giving message Thursday (Thank-giving) night, I had a dream. I was helping some folks do something when an office chair just by itself, rolls up and starts to follow me around. So, I decide it wants to take me somewhere and I sit down. It turns and rolls into...
by Rachel Carey-Harper | Jan 3, 2025 | Eagles nest #2
In the end — Gamzul’tova Sometimes it is extremely difficult to see that divine spark in everyone and believe “gam zu l’tova” (it’s all for the good), especially when people we love and trust descend into extremely negative, unhealthy, judgmental, rigid, and...
by Rachel Carey-Harper | Dec 24, 2024 | Eagles nest #2
Living Water: a Prayer Oh God and God of our ancestors pleaseOpen up our eyes that we may see your beauty and lightOpen our ears to hear the wisdom of your voice that is beyond perception, perceived difference and ideologyOpen our mouth to drink the living water that...