A Story
Beyond our titles or what we do for a living;
Beyond the kinship of parents,
Beyond all names for our various identities,
genders, religions, social status,
Beyond our politics, disabilities
(that everyone has in one way or another);
Beyond oppression of race and others
Beyond our talents, accolades, successes or failures;
Who are human beings?
some say spiritual beings having a human experience,
Here and now we are living flesh, blood and bone
No better or worse,
then other animals on the planet
or the plants —from the mighty oak to the lowly dandelion.
But all life is finite.
We are here a very short time then dust,
No better or worse than rock.
Then who are we?
We are a story.
Stories are also told by
woodlands and meadows,
mountains, bogs and beaches.
Stories are told of climbers who come and go, chattering
like the rain
and the comings and goings of the glaciers
The structures; stone walls, weirs, jetties and grave stones
The hunters and the hunted
Stories are told by the wind moving through branches
of the Maple tree sleeping its winter nap.
Story told as the wind whisperings
trees unpronounceable name
Tree’s stories teach;
How to be beautiful and bend around objects
How to grow from rotten stumps or rocks
They teach of a time to rest, a time to grow,
the cycle of life.
Stories are told by water
the stream’s songs moving over rocks, part of God’s laughter.
the water falls, then rises in mist
Water’s story in stillness reflecting the sky
up close each drop
A reflection of reflection of reflection
all part of this whole
contains everything, the flower, the rock
those living and those called inanimate.
all a fractal of Oneness.
Stories are told by rocks.
Stories that intertwines with every other
stone walls, jetties and streams
solidly demonstrating
What is IS.
from life to life, from atom to atom
Bound by electromagnetic and nuclear force
a strong attraction
A love story
It is all Love; Soul Love,
Story of truth,
real and immutable,
surrounding each and every cell,
animate or inanimate,
like a mountain sparkling with mica.
Stories of fellow travelers; companions,
some for a short time,
some longer,
the chipmunk and the squirrel,
the woodpecker, or owl,
even the gnat, tick or biting fly,
They all have worth.
Stories connect
connection to connection
moment to moment,
the story advances
One step follows the next
a journey, an adventure
a path of mystery
The story teaches;
pay attention lest the trip
is over an unseen root
or stuck in muckyness.
Challenges develop muscle
our lessons give strength
and courage.
A story of healing,of growth
And deep gratitude.
The story continues
Beyond the pitfalls and lies,
Beyond the fair-weather friends.
Beyond the disappointments, painful revelations
Beyond personality,
betrayer and the treacherous.
Beyond trauma, fear, disrespect,
exploitation, the horror of racism.
Beyond even the stories themselves.
Beyond the Beyond
A bigger story.
A story that isn’t unique to this telling.
From the beginning through to the end
moving in a beautiful circle,
within and to that which is Eternal.
What are we?
Who are we?
We are a story
One story about everything
Beings of Love,
A love story of Light, of Peace.
Rachel Carey-Harper