Broken Thankfulness
I felt broken
broken hearted
Broken hearted at the blindness
rejection of wisdom,
opinion confused with fact
the search for that next thrill, or text
Broken hearted by my own stupidity
And broken hearted that the only thing I can do is
say thank-you
And see that today is a beautiful day.

Dear Friends
I had been feeling a numb, vague sense of doom, a helplessness. Everywhere I went, people I saw had a similar sort of look in their eyes, like we all had been traumatized. Especially now we need to work extra hard at keeping ourselves grounded. Do whatever sort of intentional healing works for you; just lying in bed in meditation, that’s okay. Still, a vibration of undefined panic has been in the air. Things seem like they have shifted dramatically, tragically. We have the strength and courage to embrace mindful, ethical, compassionate living, and do it together. None of us is perfect, we all are fabulous and flawed. We are really not in a hole but part of the whole, holy.
Why is There Suffering?
An analogy that started to answer this question can be found in the experience of a potter. As potters, we take clay from the earth and form it into a wide assortment of things. At this stage, what we’ve made is very fragile. Before the object made out of clay can be used, the potter must put it through intense fire. Otherwise, the pot we made will quickly disintegrate back to earth with the slightest bump or a bit of moisture. Most pots must go through this fire process at least twice. Clay from the earth, water to make it pliable, air to dry it, and fire twice for strength.
Perhaps just so with human beings

Walking the Path of Love
The essence of how to walk the path of love can only break through when everything seems lost, when all hope of doing or making things better is gone. Realization comes after, in that dream of being chased, there is no where to turn, not intellect, not feelings, not strength, not even faith. It is then that a voice comes; at this time when there is nothing else to hold onto, there is a feeling of being receptive, resigned and complete surrender. It’s a secret message but in plain sight, it comes and says something so simple it seems idiotic. Pure, unconditional Love can be held in one’s heart.
It’s About Love
Everyone is saying this is a time to do something extra to care for each other and at the same time saying we must stay apart, keep our distance. Together and apart, it is a logical paradox on both the physical and spiritual level and one with profound implications for the oppressor and those oppressed. In a recent mid-night awakening I had an experience of this paradox. Profound love and gratitude engulfed me, not for anyone in particular and not for any thing or place. Peace and a sense of connection filled my mind and heart.

From Worship to Witness
It’s one thing to hear a voice. It’s another to hear and trust in the power….
God is, in essence, love, and it’s our job to manifest this in the world. … healing cannot take place until the oppressor and those who let hostility happen learn they have a spiritual disease. … The journey from worship to witness travels as a circle. Witness leads back to worship, worship to witness, We are joined together in Light, in Love, in oneness, to heal in order to connect fully with that which is eternal.
Dancing with Light
There is a mountain that dances with light.
I sit listening to the joy of the water’s song as it moves over the rocks wondering if it’s part of God’s laughter.
Through the stillness I feel a familiar whispered leading, a desire for usefulness, to be of service.
Love means honing down to basic Truth that we are one, seeing the intense beauty that is everywhere,
Radiating love means feeling and broadcasting gratitude for all that is.
A Story
Who are We?
Beyond our titles or what we do;
Beyond the kinship of parents,
Beyond all names, various identities,
genders, religions, social status,
Who are human beings?
We are a story.
Stories are told by the wind moving through branches
Stories are told by water
from life to life, from atom to atom
A love story
A Thank-giving message
One of the beauties of this and other Bible passages is that these texts portray the patriarchs and matriarchs of all the Judaic/Christian traditions as ordinary human beings full of the same traumas, guilt, flaws and anxieties that trouble us. … While it would be better to appreciate whatever “God” puts into my life or the world sometimes what rises in me is complaints. One remedy for me is that if I have a problem with something, then I have some glitch in me, or I am resisting some lesson, or I simply don’t understand the big picture, or I’m failing to notice the tiny flowers under my feet.
In the end — Gamzul’tova
Sometimes it is extremely difficult to see that divine spark in everyone and believe “gam zu l’tova” (it’s all for the good), especially when people we love and trust descend into extremely negative, unhealthy, judgmental, rigid, and seemingly irrational thinking. … The path of ultimate truth, of righteousness, respect, joy, and wholeness is, above all else, an inner reality that transcends everything else. This is what we see in its shadow form as we go through our days hoping for approval or respect, accolades or acceptance. The way of Love is simple but not easy.
Living Water: a Prayer
Oh God and God of our ancestors please
Open up our eyes that we may see your beauty and light
Open our ears to hear the wisdom of your voice that is beyond perception, perceived difference and ideology
Open our feet to walk in your mercy and forgiveness
Open our lungs to breathe in and out deep gratitude for the blessings that surround us every minute of every day
Open our souls to join joyfully with your eternal oneness
And God if it is your will, open us to your everlasting wholeness, your peace.