Walking the Path of Love
It came in a dream and then a memory of a dream; elusive upon waking. Then a mass of extraneous things swirled around the seed of truth. The things the mind hooks onto are easy to remember. They seem annoying, a distraction.
The realization came that they fill an important function by presenting aspects that tell where the path is not. These need to be cleared out before the essential is reveled. It does no good to clear the undergrowth from the whole forest. It is only when we can clear away the obstructions from where we want to travel that we can rise to a higher plane of being and walk the path.
What are the components of this undergrowth? Much is a normal part of the human condition, thoughts or feeling that possibly everyone has from time to time. To get to the core of the message all this has to be cleared away.:
- a. Competition: finding the path has nothing to do with being the victor or loser, winning or losing. Rivalry, antagonism obscures the path.
- b. Judgement: The path of love has nothing to do making a negative assessment, recrimination, judging someone to be troublesome or mean.
- c. Differences: It also surprisingly, has nothing to do with reconciliation, the repair of a past relationship, overcoming rejection or irreconcilable differences. This type of love is not about expectations.
- d. Success: It is not about success, achievement, being given a great honor, recognition and the pleasant feeling this engenders.
- e. Failure: it is also not about failure; everyone, everyone is doing the best they can with the resources they have available.
- f. Friendship: Odd as it sounds, its not about the love people feel for each other, even those who set the heart racing.
The essence of how to walk the path of love can only break through when everything seems lost, when all hope of doing or making things better is gone. Realization comes after, in that dream of being chased, there is no where to turn, not intellect, not feelings, not strength, not even faith. It is then that a voice comes; at this time when there is nothing else to hold onto, there is a feeling of being receptive, resigned and complete surrender. It’s a secret message but in plain sight, it comes and says something so simple it seems idiotic. Pure, unconditional Love can be held in one’s heart. It’s possible. As President Obama said quoting MLK Jr. “I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”
The instruction that came through the dream about how to walk this path, was simple. At times of meditation think about a person only in terms of how they are wonderful, miraculous and special. Reject the components of this undergrowth; judgement, differences, success, failure, friendship. See, feel, sense the inner essence; see only the eternal, not finite, beauty. The negative or positive stuff might be true but it isn’t Truth. For this moment it doesn’t matter. Cleared away what is left is brilliance, uniqueness and beauty; just radiant inner goodness, with no, expectation. None. No right or wrong, no if / then. No quid pro quo, no strings, no “going back to how things were,” no opinion, or business, just simply being in that space of pure positive soul to soul connection. In prayer BE in the place, hold this energy. This is relating on a higher plane. On the lower plane of life there is good and bad and tangled agendas, like a piece of paper filled with so much writing that eventually there is no space to write even one more letter. But on the higher plane it is all blown away with one breath, disappearing ink; no duality.
Imagine the world where this is practiced; a different way of being with each other surrounded by peace and joy. Certainly we all will fail at this but what would it be like if we don’t give up? Imagine starting right now … Imagine …